Case Study Overview

Sl.No Particulars Details
1 Name of the Client Prima Group of Companies
2 Location UAE
3 Industry Sports, Retail Chain
4 Solutions ERP, Inventory Software

About the Client

Established in 1997, Prima Group of Companies is well known for fashion industry. Their retail division called as Saffron Fashion is having local and international outlets spread across GCC and other countries. They are recognized as the one stop sporting goods provider of choice.
Prima is a UAE home grown brand that is synonymous with the phenomenal growth of the country over the last 22 years.
Since its establishment, within just few years, Prima has established itself as a leading wholesaler and retailer of sporting goods & lifestyle brands in the entire gulf region. With its manufacturing unit in china and the relentless efforts of the growing employees, Prima aims to expand and has scheduled to open more outlets in the coming years, thereby reasserting its stronghold as the best sporting goods supplier in the Middle East and CIS countries.

The Background - Issues & Challenges

Prima Group’s existing software didn’t have proper integration between Point of Sale (POS), Inventory and Accounting modules which resulted in improper and inaccurate management of sales and inventory. Also, multiple stores couldn’t be centrally controlled from their head office. As there were no integration between Sales, Inventory and Accounting modules, PRIMA Group used to do a manual stock adjustment process to balance the inventory. This caused in a high-volume wastage of money, effort, time and workforce. So, they started to look for an alternative solution that could address all their challenges. After doing a thorough research on products, services, reputation, reviews and ratings, Prima Group decided to choose Alpha EBM to work towards the solutions they needed.

Working with The Client

We started with the Proof of Concept for client by providing them infrastructure to convince Prima Group with the right performance. The business case was convinced by PRIMA group and they decided to move its entire deployment to AlphaEBM. Bothe teams collaborated to create a custom deployment platform Infrastructure.


AlphaEBM specialists worked out a customized solution for the PRIMA group, looking at their main points of concerns and the requirement. The entire solution was worked from front office point of sale counter to back office AlphaPRO Inventory and Accounting modules to support the entire operations. PRIMA group’s requirement in terms of sales was customized to make faster sales without wasting time of the customer standing in queue in front of the counter for billing. Also entire solution was built to ensure reduction in the infrastructure cost, still backed by AlphaEBM premium support which includes managed security on software, infrastructure monitoring, and proactive support.


“The entire Prima Group is really impressed with the way Team Alpha EBM worked with us to identify the issues, work out a custom solution and ensure this addressed our concerns. Their solutions not only helped us to improve our performance, but it also helped us to reduce the operating cost significantly.”

Name : Anuroop
Designation : Finance Manager

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